How to remove wrinkles around the eyes

The skin around the eyes how to renew

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, should be interesting not only for mature women, but also for girls. Ladies, remember that it is better to prevent a problem than to face it and its consequences later. It is much easier to prevent, to prevent skin aging than to run with all sorts of creams, masks, trying to completely remove wrinkles.

Why wrinkles appear around the eyes

Every skin starts to fade. Even the most competent and expensive care can not ensure eternal youth. This is life. Everything in this life is not forever. And even more so our skin.

Throughout life, what not only the skin experiences is stress, malnutrition and constant contact with cosmetics, bad air. Someone has neglected care. Or tightly pulled the skin while washing, removing makeup or wiping. But the skin around the eyes is one of the most delicate, it is very easy to damage.

The main causes of wrinkles around the eyes are:

  1. Mosha. As the skin matures, it becomes increasingly difficult to rejuvenate and retain moisture. Therefore, this area of skin around the eyes fades faster than the rest. This more delicate skin has no excretory ducts of sebaceous glands. Therefore, sebum does not protect the tissues around the "mirrors of the soul" from the aggressive external environment and drying. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with hydration of this area even before the nasty folds are felt.
  2. Expression of emotions on the face. People who experience emotions are unable to resist the drying of the skin around the eyes. You probably know that during face masks you can not tense facial muscles, without talking, laughing, sadness. Complete relaxation. Otherwise, you yourself will provoke the appearance of wrinkles. But that does not mean you have to walk all your life with a stone face or a facial expression that will dry you out with milk. Just keep an eye on this area of your face, remembering that you need to take care of it properly.
  3. Skin cells age and get tired. The production of necessary proteins is significantly slowed down. This applies to the known collagen and elastin. They are responsible for skin elasticity. Many have seen ads for collagen creams. But this is only a noticeable effect. In fact, these proteins are very large. And so just soaked through the skin can not. This requires regular and serious procedures. As well as a complete review of your diet. It is much easier to nourish the skin with these proteins from the inside than to try to "inject" them from the outside.
the skin around the eyes and its renewal

Remember to protect this skin from frost or wind (apply creams at least half an hour before sunrise), the sun (hats that create shadows for the face and hair).

Ways to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes

Knowing the causes of wrinkles around the eyes, you need to understand how to eliminate them. And the following tips will help you with this:

  • The skin needs to be hydrated. Regardless of your age, skin condition. The older she is, the more this has to be done. Do not neglect the different ways. There are many eye rollers from different manufacturers on sale. Many popular ways. The most common - cucumber rings on the eyes. You can also use cotton dipped in black or green tea.
  • Using masks at home Note that most masks are applied excluding this delicate area. But there are also special, moisturizing, tightening for this area of the face:
    • lemon. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, add protein to it, beat and then literally a pinch of salt. Apply this carefully, hold until the mask dries. The protein tightens the skin perfectly.
    • bread. Toss a slice of white bread with warm milk, turn into porridge and apply on skin until completely dry.
    • potatoes. A great way to get rid of wrinkles on the face, to rejuvenate the skin of the hands. Apply mashed potatoes on your eyes. Just watch the temperature of the puree to not burn. The skin is still very soft.
    • bananas. Mix the banana pulp with the melted butter (about a tablespoon).
    • cottage cheese. Cottage cheese, cream, vegetable oil, warm milk and honey. Excellent rejuvenating blend.
    • bollgur. Grind the flakes (tablespoon), pour warm milk, wait until the flakes swell. Apply the finished makeup to the area around the eyes.
    • Salon procedures. Here and mesotherapy (smaller injections in the area), and photogenesis, and chemical masks based on various acids.
    • The compresses are hot, after which it is necessary to rinse with cold water. This will be a great way to increase skin and muscle tone. And if the tone is right, then the skin will soften. Small wrinkles will start to flatten, and large ones will become smaller. And if you do it regularly, then these deep ones will gradually disappear over time. Just remember to take care of it. Do not worry if you do not see the results right away. Everything takes time. Therefore, try to constantly monitor yourself.
    • If wrinkles are just beginning to appear, then there is a great way to "remove" them from your face. Make a strong physiological solution and wipe the skin around the eyes with it. Just do not do it too often. However, salt draws water from the tissues. How not to aggravate the situation.
    • Massage. Gentle strokes, gentle strokes, light massaging movements. Do not overdo it, otherwise you will stretch the skin.
    • Make ice cubes from herbal decoctions and infusions. Every morning, wipe not only near the eye socket, but also the whole face. Excellent prevention of any wrinkles and dry skin.
    applying cream to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes


    Woman, 31

    I like to laugh often and a lot. I recently noticed mimic wrinkles around my eyes. To eliminate them, I used a homemade mask with oats, as well as applied pure almond oil. A month later, the number of wrinkles was significantly reduced, I am pleased with the result.

    Woman, 39 years old

    My mother had early wrinkles on her face. To eliminate them, she used blepharoplasty. When I first discovered the wrinkles in myself, I started actively using hyaluronic creams, homemade masks and hot compresses. The effect of using these funds was noticeable after a few months.